Austin Stepparent Adoption Attorney
What is a parent? Is a father or mother of primary importance in a child’s life because of shared DNA or shared family life? A biological parent may be absent from a child’s life for any number of reasons. Nearly all of us know of families where biological parents are absent or nonfunctional — and other families where a grandparent, aunt, uncle or stepparent has filled the shoes of a parent wholeheartedly.
Fathers and mothers pass on genetic traits to children, whether they are involved in the children’s lives or not. On the other hand, parental figures who live with children and care for them also have the opportunity to influence their characters and form strong bonds with them. Stepparent adoption is often a natural desire in blended families.
Sometimes an absentee biological parent willingly consents to allow a child to be adopted by a stepparent. In many other cases, stepparent adoption is accomplished against the will of the biological parent. The Law Office of Keiko Griffin, PLLC advises and represents parents on any side of the equation in stepparent adoption cases:
- Stepparents pursuing adoption
- Remarried resident parent pursuing, and consenting to, stepparent adoption by a new spouse
- Absentee parent consenting to stepparent adoption
- Absentee parent contesting stepparent adoption
Avoiding litigation is normally a worthy goal. In a case where a biological parent has gone for six months with no contact or a year without paying child support, or under other certain circumstances, a family law court may terminate parental rights. If the absentee parent understands this, he or she may consent to the stepparent adoption without a court battle. Likewise, if a child has been removed from custody and contact of a parent by Child Protective Services, that parent may not be able to stop adoption of the child by a fit stepparent.
Serving Temple, Austin And Killeen — Second Parent Adoption Attorney
Regardless of the particulars of your family’s situation in a stepparent adoption case, rest assured that the Law Office of Keiko Griffin, PLLC is prepared to advocate on your behalf. We understand the importance of strengthening family units. Whether you are the stepparent, the resident stepparent or the parent who has been absent, contact our law offices to learn how we can protect your child’s best interests. We can help ensure a successful stepparent adoption — or help you reunite with your child and prevent a stepparent adoption that you have good reasons to oppose.
Contact Us To Learn How We Can Help With A Stepparent Or Relative Adoption
Call 512-256-0780 or 254-690-2202, or contact us online regarding a Copperas Cove or Austin stepparent adoption. Lawyer Keiko Griffin offers free initial consultations. Our office is open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Se habla español. We accept credit cards for legal fees.